Westgate Biodiversity: Bili Nursery & Landcare



Westgate Biodiversity is made up of enthusiastic people, passionate about Westgate Park and the natural environment. We have skills in horticulture, natural resources management, plant, bird and animal identification and plant propagation, plus the energy to get out and do it!


Our Vision:
To transform the park into a bushland setting for locally indigenous plants and animals – a place where visitors can appreciate richly diverse, natural ecosystems in a beautiful landscape.

Our Goals:
(a) enhancing and protecting the natural environment and its biodiversity

(b) educating our members and the wider community on the importance of protecting and enhancing the natural environment, urban biodiversity, and healthy environments by growing and planting locally indigenous plant species and encouraging volunteering and community engagement with the natural environment.

To become a volunteer, register with ParkConnect.

Group interests


Group leader

Name:Westgate Biodiversit and Billi Nursery and Landcar Rhod Cunningham

Phone:+61 492 972 652



Upcoming activities