Tarra-Bulga Bioblitz


As a fun way to start the year we are planning a one day Bioblitz where we will aim to record as many species of any lifeform we can find on the day. We will use citizen science apps like iNaturalist and ebird to log our observations.

To become a volunteer, register/Sign In with ParkConnect.

Activity details

Start date: 05-Feb-2022

End date: 05-Feb-2022

Meeting details

Park: Tarra-Bulga National Park

Meeting point: Visitors Centre

Meeting time: 10am

Duration: 14 hours

Type and interest

Activity type: Environmental monitoring, survey and research



4 out of 20 spaces

Onsite contact

Name: David Akers

Phone: 0488035314

Group details

What to bring

• Hat

• Safety glasses

• Wet weather gear

• Food

• Drink bottle

• Sunscreen

• Camera, Binoculars