Lysterfield Friends/OSGeo Oceania tree weeding and mapping day

Revegetation account image

OSGeo supports this revegetation project in Churchill National Park . 250 trees were planted. This weeding event replaces the planting that was originally scheduled for 2020 .

To become a volunteer, register with ParkConnect.

Register with ParkConnect

Location map:

Activity details

Start date: 04-Dec-2021

End date: 04-Dec-2021

Meeting details

Park: Churchill National Park

Meeting point: Churchill NP picnic ground,

Meeting time: 10 AM

Duration: 3 hours

What to bring

  • Hat
  • Safety boots
  • Gloves
  • Safety glasses
  • Wet weather gear
  • Food
  • Drink bottle
  • Sunscreen

Type and interest

Activity type: Revegetation


Onsite contact

Name: Tony Forster

Phone: 0403073717

Contact group

Name: Friends of Lysterfield Park

Register to contact group.

Register with ParkConnect